Remnants – “What Remains,” at the Thomas Hunter Project Space opens Oct. 6.

October 3, 2014


Juana Valdes’ most current work elicits migration as a complex process, constructing history through a continuum that involves both the homespace of the diasporiccommunity and their new homeland.  In Remnants –“What Remains,” curated by Aisha Tandiwe Bell at the Thomas Hunter Project Space, Juana Valdes reevaluates the worth of artistic production once considered craft-like. She uses them as a medium to identify herself and as a means to subvert the modern conception of value in visual art.

She incorporates ceramic ornaments mass-produced from all over the world as ethnic and religious identification signs that carry aesthetic value of the social class collecting them. These images weave a narrative of historical periods, styles and modes of production. The final outcome speaks of tensions, which explore issues of personal identity and one’s role in multiple collectives.

Juana Valdes  is currently in the exhibition, “Treasure Island” curated by Julie Chae at the Lower East Side Print Shop in NYC. Simultaneously, she is part of a group exhibition curated by William Cordova  The Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami and Miami Light and Texture in Wynwood, organized by Kathryn Mikesell. Past exhibitions include a solo show at SENSEI Gallery 2013. Hudson River Museum, Art in General, El Museo del Barrio, White Box Gallery, Bronx River Art Center, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Paul Sharpe Contemporary Art, Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator and Nohra Haime Gallery are a selection of the spaces that have shown her work. Valdes has participated in a range of residencies, most current at the European Ceramic Work Center in the Netherlands (2012), the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning (2009),the Atlantic Center for the Arts (2008), the Artist Residency at the Center for Book Arts (2007), the Lower East Side Print Shop, (2005), the Smack Mellon Studio Program (2004), and the P.S.1  Studio Residency Program (1998).

Thomas Hunter Project Room is located in the basement of the Thomas Hunter building on Lexington Ave. between 68th and 69th Streets.

Visitors will need to get a “guest pass” from the main entrance (next to the enormous black cube) at Hunter College on the corner of 68th St and Lexington Ave. You may then use any entrance to reach the Thomas Hunter Project Space, located in the basement of the Thomas Hunter Building.

Visitation by appointment the weeks of Oct. 6- 24 also available.

Please call with any questions, especially if you have trouble entering the event:
Aisha Bell 917-754-3291 or Juana Valdes 917-370-0074

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